Meow Cat Rescue WV is always looking to place healthy cats that aren’t suitable as pets in environments where they can flourish, working alongside humans to control rat and mice populations. These cats can be placed successfully in barns, construction companies, police stations and other businesses looking for inexpensive and effective rodent control.
Adopting a cat for this purpose offers a safe home and better life to cats that wouldn’t otherwise be candidates for adoption, including:
Cats who are inconsistent with using the litter box and would do well in an indoor/outdoor environment
Cats who react negatively to routine handling by people and would not do well as a house cat
Cats who fit this description are often most successful when adopted in groups of two or three. Adopters must agree to provide:
A warm, safe shelter like a barn or shop to keep the cat protected from the elements
Food and clean water every day
Future medical care if needed
A way to keep the cats contained for 2-3 weeks to acclimate to new surroundings
If you or somebody you know are interested in this life-saving program, contact Meow Cat Rescue WV.
What does it cost to adopt a cat that can help with rodent control?
While there is no adoption fee for these cats, we will gratefully accept any donated amount to help support the program.
What kind of care do cats receive at MCR?
Cats in this program receive the same care as cats in our other adoption programs. They are spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and receive a general health exam. They will have their ear tipped to indicate they have been sterilized.
Why must these cats be confined for the first 2-3 weeks?
Cats need time to adjust to new surroundings and do better if introduced to smaller spaces first. Confining your new cat for 2-3 weeks will help it become comfortable with its new home. Cats allowed to roam immediately may not realize that they will have food and shelter and may never return.
To ensure the cat remains confined, make sure its shelter has no escape routes, including holes in siding or open windows. If the cat’s shelter has escape routes, use a large dog kennel to contain the cat. Make sure that the cat is given food and water daily and a litter box.
You can allow the cat to explore the property after 2-3 weeks of confinement. Ideally, you should release the cat when the weather is clear (no rain or snow) so that it can explore in comfort. If the cat was originally housed in a crate, leave the crate in the area as a safe place to hide or sleep for at least a week. Continue to leave food and water out for the cat. If the cat is primarily indoors or in a barn, consider using a litter box to contain waste.
How do I adopt a cat in this program?
Start by submitting an application. Once your application is approved, we will contact you about the cats who are currently available for adoption and fit program requirements, including pictures and information about each cat. This is a first-come, first-served system. Your chosen cat(s) will be prepared for adoption and pick-up arrangements will be made.